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A Word and a Vision for Paraguay

from: Catherine Brown
Web Site: http://www.gatekeepers.org.uk

“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” Jn 6:51

Whilst praying for the nation of Mexico, then Venezuela, the Lord led me to pray for the nation of Paraguay. I received the impression that a new wave of revival will break forth in each of these three nations simultaneously. [Montevideo (Uruguay)) was also given at the same time of this promise.]

I saw the Lord standing in the centre of the nation of Paraguay. He walked from the centre of the nation, then all around its perimeter. The Lord held a piece of bread in his hands, and as he walked he broke the bread and scattered it from place to place.

I was also shown a large amber gemstone that Jesus placed on the land. The amber stone represents the re-establishment of the glory of the Lord in Paraguay (Ez 1:4; 1:27; 8:2)

In addition, I noticed many new buildings being constructed and people were flocking to them. Many of those were walking into the building, had teffilin strapped to their arms and to their heads. (Teffilin are small leather boxes worn by the Jewish people to pray. They contains portions of the Torah and symbolise the person’s devotion and commitment to the Lord’s covenants and commandments, as well as speaking of the Lord’s ownership of the person’s intellect and heart).

The buildings had the appearance of schools/colleges, each with a cross on top. I was instructed that these buildings were dedicated to the teaching of God’s Word and that many such houses of learning would be established in Paraguay, with people attending them from all over the world. The Lord is promising to pour out a pure teaching anointing of his truth and to call his children to Paraguay to learn. This will begin in the fall of 2000. The teffilin in the vision point to a deeper understanding and embracing of the promises from Scripture for the children of Israel.

The last thing revealed to me in the vision was a huge transmitter pylon, which was broadcasting radio waves across the nation. I also saw many pairs of golden shoes and boots marching across the land. The pylon represented ‘Radio Paraguay’, which will soon be broadcasting the Gospel of peace night and day (the golden shoes and boots represent the peace of the gospel). A new radio station is going to be established.


“To Paraguay I speak my peace, to this country that I love, I speak forth peace and prosperity. I uphold you in love my people. I shall come upon you with the swiftness and surety of the eagle and cause you to rise up on my wings. I am pouring out my Spirit and calling forth a pure teaching anointing. The seeds of this anointing are already established but I shall send the latter rains to water the Word; you will see houses of learning established and you will know a great love of my Word. You will embrace it with all of your intellect and all of your heart, but you will not become lost in legality, for this coming anointing is born of the breath of my Spirit and is a blessed union of the Water and the Word.

You will receive new life in order that you might impart it to the nations. You will receive daily bread for yourselves, and you will bring my sustenance to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, and even unto the eleventh hour you will offer the hope of my salvation to the lost.

I shall cause the airwaves to rejoice with my Name and you will see a mighty harvest of souls from the words of life I am releasing along with my Glory. You will be compelled to cover you eyes in awe as you behold my Glory, but great will be your joy at the presence and the glowing of my radiance. It is the Father’s joy to visit you and to reveal Himself in greater measure to you. Fear not for I am with you and you will become known as the nation of the loaves and the fishes, and the miracle of my presence daily shall not fail to delight and astound you.”


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